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China Auto Parts and ServiceShow2012,Show Date:June 12-15, 2012,Show Venue:Shanghai New International Expo Center.

Scope of Exhibits:All kinds of auto parts, components, accessories and consumables; All kinds of auto manufacturing technology, equipments, materials and tools;All kinds of auto measuring, testing, diagnosing devices and systems;All kinds of auto repairing, maintaining, caring machinery and supplies;All kinds of auto after-market business services and products。

Show Scale: about 70,000 sq.m.

Scope of Visitors:All kinds of auto manufacturers, distributors;All kinds of auto parts manufacturers, distributors;All kinds of auto parts buyers, traders;All kinds of auto maintaining equipments manufacturers, distributors;All kinds of auto selling, repairing, refitting, maintaining agencies;All kinds of auto after-market technical services, distribution networks;All kinds of auto related government agencies, associations, colleges and universities, research institutes.Visitor Number:about 30,000 visitors.

Desoutter is your single source for electric andpneumatic tool solutions, covering a widerange of assembly and manufacturingprocesses in the motor vehicle,aerospace, general industriesand light assembly sectors.Desoutter has a longhistory of producinghigh-quality industrialtools andcombinesa widespread globalpresence with focussedlocal support whereyou need it.The reason behind thisapproach is simple: ourcustomers, who includemany of the world’s largestand most successful manufacturers,want worldwide accessto a global portfolio of assembly andmanufacturing solutions.




China Auto Parts and Service Show 2012







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