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China Auto Parts and ServiceShow2012,Show Date:June 12-15, 2012,Show Venue:Shanghai New International Expo Center.

Scope of Exhibits:All kinds of auto parts, components, accessories and consumables; All kinds of auto manufacturing technology, equipments, materials and tools;All kinds of auto measuring, testing, diagnosing devices and systems;All kinds of auto repairing, maintaining, caring machinery and supplies;All kinds of auto after-market business services and products。Show Scale: about 70,000 sq.m.

Scope of Visitors:All kinds of auto manufacturers, distributors;All kinds of auto parts manufacturers, distributors;All kinds of auto parts buyers, traders;All kinds of auto maintaining equipments manufacturers, distributors;All kinds of auto selling, repairing, refitting, maintaining agencies;All kinds of auto after-market technical services, distribution networks;All kinds of auto related government agencies, associations, colleges and universities, research institutes.Visitor Number:about 30,000 visitors.

Alpine Electronics Inc., a part of the Alps Group based within its parent company, Alps Electric Co., Ltd., develops, manufactures, and sells audio products for automobiles and information and communication products.




China Auto Parts and Service Show 2012







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