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RENEWABLE ENERGY EXHIBITION is now France's largest new energy exhibition, the exhibition has been successfully held since 2001 every year in the expanding growth. Held in Lyon every single year, every even year in Paris. February 2009 RENEWABLE ENERGY EXHIBITION successfully held in Lyon, the exhibition site more than 500 exhibitors, of which 40% of new energy companies outside France, the field of solar thermal and photovoltaic audience up to 50%, domestic TRW, Tianwei Yingli, Ron Artest and other enterprises have been coming to the show.

EGing Photovoltaic Technology Co.,Ltd---China’s first pure solar module manufacturer A-share listed in Shanghai stock market (stock code: SH600537), its wholly owned branch—ChuangZhou EGing Photovoltaic Technology Co.,Ltd was founded in 2003. EGing is a high-tech company specialized in researching, developing, manufacturing and selling photovoltaic products. Its vertical integrated system combines ingot, wafer, cell, module packaging and solar power generation all together. EGing has the capacity of producing 1GW mono and poly silicon solar modules annually.

EGing Photovoltaic has established Jiang Su EGing PV Engineering Institute, Jiang Su Solar Material Research Center, Module and Cell Lab ( Its module lab has received the VDE and TDAP certifications), Jiang Su Enterprise Technology Center, National Post-doctoral Research Station.

Moreover, EGing, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Jiang Su University have co-founded a joint research and development center. With more and more professionals coming on board, EGing PV has developed rapidly and has a stronger and stronger capability to do scientific research.

EGing has been elected as Jiang Su High-Tech Enterprise, National Torch-Plan Key High-Tech Company, Jiang Su Top 100 Private-owned High-Tech Company, Chuang Zhou 5-star Enterprise, International Scientific Co-operation Base of China’s Ministry of Science and Technology.


Renewable Energy Exhibition 2011


Renewable Energy Exhibition 2011







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