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2011 INTERLIGHT MOSCOW.Most exhibitors were from the Russian Federation (183 firms in all). China brought the biggest presence from abroad (with 78 firms), Germany (42 firms), Turkey (36 firms) and Spain (11 firms). The Peoples Republic of China and Germany were both represented with official national stands. An exhibitor survey showed that there was a high level of satisfaction with the visitor stream and with the event structure. Many new business partnerships were seeded, plus tending to and building on existing partnerships, with that a substantial post-trade fair business effect was reckoned with. InterLight brought light to Moscow as a unique and fascinating subject for presentation. The position of the Russian capital is strengthened even further through this as the international capital for lighting. Parallel to InterLight an accompanying program provided the international platform for an exchange of knowledge and continued education at the very highest level. Experts discussed the latest developments and official directives for lighting and building systems in scientific and technical seminars and round table discussions.

Established in 1996, Opple possess an industrial park occupied 95000 ㎡ with 3 modern factories. At present, Opple has got more than 3800 employees among with more than 800 in engineering, management and marketing. With leading energy-saving lamps, light sources, and fully equipped research and development center, Opple provides excellent lighting solutions for customers continuously. The annual production of energy-saving lamps is more than 72,000,000 pcs. Opple is certificated with GS, CE, CB, UL&FCC, PAI and RoHS, and ISO9001:2000 issued by TUV, and conforming to IEC60968, IEC60969 standard.











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