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CEVISAMA is one of the world famous professional ceramic sanitary ware exhibition, the exhibition was founded in 1983, hosted by the Spain famous Feria Valencia Exhibition Group, one session a year, it has been held for 27. CEVISAMA Expo is one of the most important and influential professional exhibitions, and the famous as Italy Bologna ceramics sanitary ware exhibition .

2010 exhibit space up to more than 93,000 square meters, brought together from more than 40 countries and regions of the world over more than 1000 exhibitors, from 133 countries of the world have been attracting more than 100,000 buyers exhibition, 70% per cent of buyers are from Spain, 30% buyers from Spain to areas outside, such as Portugal, Germany, United Kingdom, Russia, South America and other places. CEVISAMA are the best trading platforms of the exhibitors and buyers, nearly 90% per cent of exhibitors and traders are satisfied with the effect of this exhibition, and will continue to participate in 2011 to CEVISAMA.

“Ceramica Al Amir “ Company was established in 1994, and started the production actually in March 1996. Nevertheless it is now considered to be one of the most famous rapidly growing ceramic manufactures.

“ Ceramica Al Amir “ annual production amounts to about 7.000.000 square meters wall of facing tiles, which are produced by a process of porous single firing, glazed floor tiles and a great variety of complements.

In order to reach the international specifications for our products, “ Ceramica Al Amir “ maintained its policy to use the best raw materials available in the Egyptian market such as Aswan clay which is considered one of the best in the world, and the best glazes and coloures from the international sources.

This philosophy helped “ Ceramica Al Amir “ to achieve good results and spread in the Egyptian market with our short history.


Ceramica Al Amir









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