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Be among the first to experience the latest products at the world‘s leading trade show for consumer electronics and home appliances. IFA in Berlin is the industry‘s top trade event. Be there when the world‘s major manufacturers present their innovations to the market, the media and the experts.

Key digital lifestyle products will be a main focus – from smart TVs, tablets and smart phones, to high-end coffee machines. Keynotes, presentations and technical forums address trends ranging from social media and smart homes to eco sustainability. As a global showcase for the digital world, IFA prepares visitors for future innovations and opportunities. IFA offers visitors a concise overview of new technologies and market highlights. Take advantage of this edge on information and reap the benefits of IFA for your year-end business.

Embratel – Empresa Brasileira de Telecomunicações S.A. (Portuguese for "Brazilian Telecommunications Company") (BM&F Bovespa: EBTP3 / EBTP4) is a second major Brazilian telecommunications company headquartered in Rio de Janeiro. The company was the long distance arm of Telebras until it was bought by the U.S. company MCI Communications for 2.65 billion reais during the 1998 break-up of Telebras. However, MCI Communications went bankrupt in 2003. Since 2003, it is owned by Telmex, the Mexican telecommunications giant.

Embratel is a major player in both voice and data communication in Brazil. The company owns a fully digitized microwave communications and fibre optic networks as well as five domestic communication satellites. The company is a member of the Intelsatand Inmarsat organizations and it owns four fiber optics submarine cable systems - Unisur, Americas II, Atlantis-2 and Columbus III.Embratel's stock is traded on BM&F Bovespa.




IFA 2011







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