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Transport logistik China gives visitors a complete look at the entire process chain of the transport and logistics sector. At the trade fair, more and more exhibitors from China and all around the world present their innovative products and services. Transport logistic china also features an extensive program of related events and conferences. Furthermore the trade fair serves as ideal platform for knowledge transfer and networking.

Vienna International Airport (IATA: VIE, ICAO: LOWW) (German: Flughafen Wien), located in Schwechat and 18 km (11 mi) southeast of central Vienna, is the busiest and biggest airport in Austria. It is often referred to as Schwechat, the name of the municipality it is in. The airport is capable of handling wide-body aircraft such as the Boeing 747 and Airbus A340. The airport is the hub of Austrian Airlines and its subsidiaries, as well as Niki.


Vienna International Airport


Transport Logistic China 2010







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