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Marintec China 2011 was a tremendous success over the four days of the show, and has successfully established its unique role in the global maritime market. With increasing worldwide recognition and reputation throughout the past three decades, the exhibition is attracting an increasing number of high-profile exhibitors and visitors from around the world.

In terms of size, the exhibition was 40% larger than in 2009, and took up six exhibition halls (W1 - W5 and N1) in Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC). With 18 national and regional pavilions, and more than 1,650 exhibiting companies from 31 countries and regions, occupying over 70,000sqm, the show has broken all previous records.

It was also a strong stimulus to the industry that a significant increase of 19% more, over 50,000 trade visitors from 87 countries and regions were attracted from all parts of China and from around the globe.

Terasaki supply top class low-voltage circuit breakers for industrial, marine and commercial building projects. Safety and protection are the prime purposes of our products. Our innovative Japanese-designed technology is supported by an extensive sales and logistics network throughout Europe, Middle-East and Africa.




Marintec China 2011







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