百家乐包杀 (中国)有限公司官网


Commercial Vehicles Middle East exhibition 2012 is the region’s only event dedicated to commercial vehicles, parts and services. The event will be held from 6th to the 8th of March and will provide a platform for knowledge exchange, commercial partnerships, market ?and trend analysis, product comparison and technology updates for transport, fleet and logistics managers as well as companies.

CSR is a limited liability company promoted by CSR Corporation in association with Beijing Railway Industry Economic and Trade Company with the approval of the State Council and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council SASAC. Founded on December 28, 2007, headquartered in Beijing, with a registered capital of 11.84 billion yuan, CSR went public in Shanghai and Hong Kong in August 2008, has established 17 wholly-owned and shareholding subsidiaries in 10 provinces and cities, and has nearly 90,000 employees.




Commercial Vehicles Middle East 2012




The United Arab Emirates



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