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General Assembly forum on the World Electric Vehicle came to an end in Shenzhen though discussion about new energy vehicle is supposed to go on across the world.


A new era is about to open for China's energy-saving and new energy vehicles industry which is in the process of critical period. Additionally, energy-saving and new energy vehicle industry development planning (Hereinafter referred to as the planning) involves the development of this industry in the coming ten years, has completed the last round of comment. Since the planning has received recognition, it will be submitted to the State Council.


As a core expert participating in drafting of the planning, Wang Binggang, consulting experts’ leader of national “863” plan of energy-saving and new energy vehicles, received an exclusive interview of Sohu Auto in Shenzhen. During the interview he made detailed explanation of five core propositions of the planning.


General Assembly forum on the World Electric Vehic







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