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CPTIC 2012, one of the largest annual photovoltaic technology conferences in China. is organized by SEMI, co-organized by China Photovoltaic Industrial Alliance (CPIA). CPTIC 2012 will be held on March 21-22, 2012 in Shanghai, China, in conjunction with SOLARCON China / SEMICON China / FPD China 2012 exhibitions. It will have six symposia covering all the aspects of photovoltaic technology and manufacturing, business and policies. CPTIC is based on the Solar Symposium of CSTIC started from 2009 .
The mission of the conference is to promote technical and business exchange on all photovoltaic industry including but not limited to, market, policy, power grid, technical roadmap, device, design, process, tooling, materials, and fundamental study between China and the rest of the world with a focus on industrial applications. CPTIC encourages IP enforcement in China and provides opportunities for parties who are interested in investing and collaboration in the photovoltaic industry in Asia, particularly in China.



CPTIC 2012







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