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Working together with Artentiko, Studio Kommunikat developed a complex corporate identity for the company Revenue Alley which specializes in selling software solutions to companies of media and advertising industry, e.g. media houses, interactive and advertising agencies and direct customers.

The branding process began with the logo design. Abstract and multicolored symbol referring to the company name, complemented by a professional and clean typography gave the company a dynamic tone and became an ideal starting point for further design work.

Colors included in the sign, transferred onto the corporate identity media such as corporate materials, presentation templates and images refer to the rich and varied offer of Revenue Alley, while appealing to the media and advertising industry. And design of a dynamic and modern website couldn’t have been missed, of course.

The creation process covered also the brand architecture. Virtuose, AdCarousel and Shoppouse products received separate symbols, pertaining to the newly designed logo. In addition, we proposed software packages and separate websites for particular products. The entire work was standardized in a clear and friendly manner in a large Corporate Identity Manual.


Revenue Alley

Desgin Concept

The branding process began with the logo design. Abstract and multicolored symbol referring to the company name, complemented by a professional and clean typography gave the company a dynamic tone and became an ideal starting point for further design work



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