百家乐包杀 (中国)有限公司官网

Wich opened its doors in an attempt to fill the void. Located on a rarely trespassed, construction-filled street near Three Pacific Place, ‘Wich is a narrow restaurant decorated in soothing gray tones with one counter facing the open kitchen and another facing the opposite wall. Though it’s primarily a lunchtime spot, in the evenings from 5 to 8pm chefs plate up mini-sandwiches to accompany glasses of wine. The sandwiches on the lunch menu change regularly: during our recent visit the offerings were mini meatballs and salsa verde; Sicilian tuna, marinated fennel and picked lemon; roasted pork belly with balsamic red cabbage and Granny Smith shiso puree; and sautéed mixed mushrooms with garden herbs and mushroom puree.



Desgin Concept

Minimalist style


Hong Kong

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