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Industry consulting:

The Body Soul & Spirit Expo

publish date:2013-03-15 Publisher :傲秀編輯


Canada's Holistic Health, New Thought, Ancient Wisdom, and Green Living Event!  Come discover one of Canada’s most unique events, the Body Soul & Spirit Expo – where communities come together to celebrate life and explore all the options for living a happier, healthier, more conscious and successful lifestyle. From awakening presences, embracing the raw food lifestyle, reducing your carbon footprint or discovering natural alternatives – this show is an opportunity to connect and network with thousands of people.
The Body Soul & Spirit Expo is the most successful exhibition of its kind. Devoted to the pursuit of more fulfilling lifestyles, it brings together the best of health and wellbeing, fitness, organics, complementary medicine, holistic therapies, spirituality and personal growth. 
Sponsored by Body Soul Spirit Magazine, Western Canada's ONLY holistic Lifestyle Magazine reaching 100,000 readers across Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan.
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