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Shanghai Science and Technology Museum is a large museum in Pudong, Shanghai, close to Century Park, the largest park within the inner districts of the city.

The museum covers an area of 68,000 square metres, a floor space of 98,000 square metres and an exhibition space of 65,500 square metres with planned visiting flow of 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 visitors per year and investment of RMB 1.755 billion Yuan. As of July 2010 the museum will have attracted over 23,000,000 visitors making it one of China's most visited modern museums.

Shanghai Science & Technology Museum opened to the public on December 18, 2001. The original design of the museum and its core exhibits was managed by Shanghai based high tech and multimedia firm Creative Star Digital. The construction of the museum cost 3.75 billion RMB, and now features over 14 interactive multimedia exhibits open to the public.


Shanghai Science and Technology Museum







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