百家乐包杀 (中国)有限公司官网


Focus Media Holding Limited (Nasdaq: FMCN) operates China's largest lifestyle targeted interactive digital media network. The Company offers one of the most comprehensive targeted interactive digital media platforms aimed at Chinese consumers at various urban locations. The increasingly fragmented and mobile lifestyle of Chinese urban consumers has created the need for more efficient media means to capture consumer attention. Focus Media's mission is to build an increasingly comprehensive and measurable interactive urban media network that reaches consumers at various out-of-home locations.

Focus Media established the LCD display network by installing flat-panel LCD interactive displays in high-traffic areas, such as elevator bank of commercial buildings to target business professionals with higher-than-average income. As of March 31, 2011, our LCD display network had an installation base of approximately 170,000 flat-panel displays in about 90,500 commercial buildings that covered over 90 cities in China.



Focus Media


Store Design







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