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The 26th EU PVSEC took place from September 5 to 9 in Hamburg, Germany. The exhibition was said to have broken all records, with 1,000 exhibitors displaing their wares across 80,000 square meters and 40,000 visitors attending the five day event.

Founded on June 11th 2008, Jiangxi Sornid Hi-Tech Co. Ltd, a high-tech solar photovoltaic enterprise located on Jinxiu Road, Outside of EPZ, Jiujiang Economic Development Zone, Jiangxi Province, is focusing on casting polysilicon, pulling monosilicon, developing, manufacturing & selling poly & mono silicon wafers. With total investment of 11.5billion RMB, SORNID will achieve annual output of 36billion RMB and tax & profits of 7billion after completing constructing of 4GW poly & mono silicon casting & wafering production line, and 500MW solar modules production line.

As one of the largest solar photovoltaic enterprises in Jiangxi Province, SORNID, owning world’s top level polysilicon wafer processing technology and equipment, is dedicated to be the most influential solar photovoltaic enterprise in China new energy industry.


Sornid Hi-Tech


PVSEC 2011







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