百家乐包杀 (中国)有限公司官网


CPVC gains a favorable fame in the world with its excellence in “Internationalised, Professional, Brand-gathering, and Large Scale”. In the golden season of autumn each year, our solar fair has been the first choice for leading solar enterprise to release new product and expand market. By constant concept innovation and adapting to updated market needs, Our professional team design serial of forums on technical, policy and business intelligence, Supports from solar authority like top PV institutes, government organizations largely boost the brand reorganization of the brand SOLAR PV CHINA.

Daqo Group (originally named Jiangsu Changjiang Electrical Group) was established in 1965. Daqo Group is engaged in High-Low-voltage Electrical System, Components, Environmental Protection, High-speed Railway Equipment, New Energy (Polysilicon and Solar Cells) and everything related. Daqo Group is the nation's largest enterprise group, and there are four major industrial bases in Jiangsu Yangzhong, Nanjing Jiangning Development Zone, Chongqing Wanzhou District and Beijing Hi-tech Zone. The group has 23 subsidiaries, and 7 of those are joint venture companies cooperating with Germany Siemens, Germany Moeller, America Eaton, Switzerland Secheron, and Denmark NKT,etc.


Daqo Group


CPVC 2010







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