百家乐包杀 (中国)有限公司官网


ITMA Asia + CITME exhibition will feature the A to Z of textile machinery, right from spinning, non-wovens, weaving, knitting & garment making to finishing, testing, handling & packaging displayed. Over 800 exhibitors from 33 economies have confirmed their participation. The event is expected to attract some 30,000 international visitors, including key government and textile association officials, buyers, dealers and agents from more than 30 countries.

The Oerlikon Group is one of the most innovative and research-intensive industrial groups in the world. Six of the company's business units are active in machine and plant engineering: textile machines, thin-film coating, production plants for thin-film silicon solar modules, vacuum systems, drive systems and Advanced Technology. In the year of 2011, more than 17 000 employees at over 150 locations in 38 countries generated sales of CHF 4.2 billion.

The leading technology solutions the Oerlikon Group provides enable our customers to achieve decisive advantages with end users - both industrial and commercial customers as well as private end consumers. Customers like Sony, Bosch, CMC, Kraft Foods, Ferrari, Reliance and Caterpillar use production technologies and components from Oerlikon to attain their own success with high-tech products: solar modules, cars, computers, machine tools, jeans, shirts, oil platforms, tires - and much more. All Formula 1 engines receive a highly-resilient coating from Oerlikon to enhance their performance. 60 percent of all twines used in industrially manufactured rugs are produced on textile machines from Oerlikon. The most modern solar modules currently available today are made in Oerlikon thin-film coating plants.











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