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IDS 2011 in Cologne is the world's leading trade show and sector meeting place for decision-makers from dental practices, dental labs, the specialist dental trade, the dental industry and from research and development. Round about 118,000 visitors gather information on new products and innovations from 1,954 exhibitors from 58 countries.

Phibo is a company that researches, develops, manufactures and markets dental solutions. Apply the latest CAD-CAM technologies for the production of prostheses and provides its customers with various digital solutions and services.

Indissoluble designed, manufactured and build the booth for IDS International Dental Show in Cologne, Germany. The available space was of 126 m2.

The client wished to express an image of clarity, cleanliness and high technology. It was also necessary to incorporate the extensive information on all activities, services and products of the company, accessible to trade visitors at the fair. To do this, we did the production of various multimedia applications, and incorporate content provided by Phibo.


Fundación Phibo


IDS 2011







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