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CeBIT is the world's largest and most international computer expo. The trade fair is held each year on the Hanover fairground, the world's largest fairground, in Hanover, Lower Saxony, Germany, and is considered a barometer of the state of the art in information technology. It is organized by Deutsche Messe AG.

With an exhibition area of roughly 450,000 m² (5 million ft²) and up to 850,000 visitors at the apex of the dot-com boom, it is larger both in area and attendance than its Asian counterpart COMPUTEX and the no-longer held American equivalent COMDEX. CeBIT is a German language acronym for «Centrum für Büroautomation, Informationstechnologie und Telekommunikation»,which would literally translate as "Center for Office Automation, Information Technology and Telecommunication".

Software AG is among the top 10 fastest-growing technology companies in the world and ranked a “Leader” in eight analyst categories, including Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Business Process Management (BPM) and integration to name a few. We help companies optimize and modernize existing technology to achieve business results faster with our industry-leading brands: ARIS, webMethods, Terracotta, Adabas, Natural, CentraSite and IDS Scheer Consulting.


Software AG


CeBIT 2012







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