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Be among the first to experience the latest products at the world‘s leading trade show for consumer electronics and home appliances. IFA in Berlin is the industry‘s top trade event. Be there when the world‘s major manufacturers present their innovations to the market, the media and the experts.

Key digital lifestyle products will be a main focus – from smart TVs, tablets and smart phones, to high-end coffee machines. Keynotes, presentations and technical forums address trends ranging from social media and smart homes to eco sustainability. As a global showcase for the digital world, IFA prepares visitors for future innovations and opportunities. IFA offers visitors a concise overview of new technologies and market highlights. Take advantage of this edge on information and reap the benefits of IFA for your year-end business.

ALOG Data Centers do Brasil is one of the leading carrier neutral data centers in Brazil. It has about 1,300 corporate clients in its three data centers, in the cities of Rio de Janeiro, Sao Pauloand Tambore. The three ALOG data centers have a total area of 16,000 square meters.

ALOG has qualified professionals to provide colocation, managed hosting and cloud computing of high complex solutions. Customized solutions designed specifically for your company, provide flexibility in our service packages.

In order to deliver IT services, ALOG follows the guidelines by ITIL. All three datacenters and the management system are ISO9001:2008, SSAE16 Type 2, ISAE3402 and SAS70 Type 2 – complementary US regulation to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and mandatory for all IT companies whose clients have shares in the New York Stock Exchange – certified. Tambore datacenter is also certified by Uptime Institute as TIER III.




IFA 2011







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