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R + T in Stuttgart attracts market leader, technological innovators, trendsetters and suppliers of ideas which make the fair a global hotspot for roller shutters, gates and sun protection. On it new products are presented, concepts born, information exchanged and international business is made. This makes the show a mandatory meeting for all who want to play a role in the industry. With its very international audience, the R + T is a center of global networking.

Crown jewel of the technical textile industry, Dickson is now recognized the world over as the benchmark for supreme quality outdoor fabrics. Its products, marketed under two flagship brands, DICKSON® and SUNBRELLA®, are used by the top names in design, architecture and boating. The group’s main growth engine – innovation – enables Dickson to constantly provide a diverse array of products and a wide range of technical textiles, all aimed at improving people’s homes and work environments. The company currently provides solutions for four key markets: solar protection, outdoor living spaces, interior decorating and boating equipment.




R+T Stuttgart 2012







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