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Established for 46 years, Bologna International Building Materials Exhibition (SAIE) is the world's leading building materials and interior decoration exhibition. The annual building materials show and biennial windows and doors show will be held in the same time this year but in different exhibition halls. SAIE is an European leading fair in architecture industry attracting more than 20 million participants from European and all over the world each year. SAIE is a professional show that every exhibitor must get through its rigorous examination before entering the fair. Being approved by SAIE means their products are suitable for the Italian market.

Founded in Milan in 1937, Mapei is today’s world leader in the production of adhesives and chemical products for building.

Starting in the 1960’s Mapei put its strategy of internationalization into action in order to have maximum proximity to the needs of local markets and reduce shipping costs to a minimum.

The Group now counts 63 subsidiaries with 57 production facilities in operation over 26 countries and 5 continents.

Mapei has always placed great emphasis on research. In fact, the Group invests 12% of its company’s total work-force and 5% of its turnover in R&D; in particular, 70% of its R&D efforts are directed to develop eco-sustainable and environmentally friendly products which meet LEED requirements. Furthermore, Mapei has developed a sales and technical service network with offices all over the world and offers an efficient Technical Assistance Service that is valued by architects, engineers, contractors and owners.




2009 SAIE







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