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The Hannover Messe (English: Hanover Fair) is the world's biggest industrial fair. It is held on the Hanover fairground in Hanover ,Germany . Typically, there are about 6,000 exhibitors and 200,000 visitors.

The Hannover Messe started in 1947 in an undamaged factory building in Laatzen , south of Hanover, by an arrangement of the Britishmilitary government in order to boost the economic advancement of post-war Germany. The first fair was colloquially known asFischbrötchenmesse (fish bun fair) due to the exemptions in food rationing for the fair at this time. It proved hugely successful and was hence repeated on a yearly basis, contributing largely to the success of the Hanover fairground in replacing the then- East Germancity of Leipzig as the new major fair city for West Germany .

In the 1980s, the growing information and telecommunication industry forced the organiser Deutsche Messe AG to split the fair. TheCeBIT is a successful spin-off of the Hannover Messe.

EWE is the first fully integrated group to bring together the expertise needed for the sustainable energy economy of the future in the key fields of energy, telecommunications and information technology. EWE operates mainly in the north of Germany, and is for the most part owned by local councils.




The Hannover Messe 2010







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