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The Salone del Mobile is the global benchmark for the Home Furnishing Sector. An invaluable tool for the industry as well as an ongoing, quite extraordinary promotional vehicle.

The Salone made its first appearance in 1961, designed to promote Italian furniture and furnishing accessories on the export market, and it has continued to do so impeccably, ensuring that the quality of Italian furniture is known to all four corners of the earth, and continues so to do, with half of all its visitors coming from around the world.

In 1965 the leading furnishing sector companies were brought together in one single commercial exhibition space for the very first time. 1965 was also the year in which exhibitors began to devote serious thought to their stands, a factor that will always make the Salone stand out against other trade fairs; the first collateral event was also held in 1965, and Domusdevoted its leading article to the Salone that same year.

Fontanot are a leading Italian company with a passion for creating solid, functional staircase products combined with stylish contemporary designs.

We are proud of our established heritage, we have over 40 years of experience in the industry and have been commissioned to install statement staircases for clients throughout the world

In the 1970's the company began a journey to transform the staircase by combining functionality with aesthetics, the end product being the ability to revolutionise the living space.

At the origin of the creation of Albini & Fontanot products, there is a careful planning stage that begins with the consideration of several important elements; first of all the analysis of the customers needs and expectations through market surveys and studies relative to public health, safety and environment.




Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2009







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