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China's Service Outsourcing Development was officially released today during the China Outsourcing International Forum. Organized by the PRC's Department of Foreign Investment in the Ministry of Commerce and the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, the forum saw participation from 15 government officials, industry experts and academics.

CEIBS Executive President and Professor of Management Zhu Xiaoming, who also serves as Director of China Outsourcing Institute (COI) delivered this morning's Keynote Speech on "New Policies and New Increase". Along with the COI, the forum was sponsored by the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Pudong New Area Commission of Commerce, and the Shanghai Jinqiao Export Processing Zone's Management Committee. The co-organizers were the Alumni Association of CEIBS Outsourcing Service Providers, Shanghai Jinqiao Export Processing Zone Development Co., Ltd and Beijing Great Idea Business Resources Co., Ltd.


China Outsourcing International Forum







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