百家乐包杀 (中国)有限公司官网

The handmade chocolate and dessert rooms of Xocoatl (751-7549) have opened in the original jail of the old County Courthouse on the Taos Plaza (121 North Plaza). In this case of life-imitating-art, a shock of delightful recognition marks the faces of those entering Xocoatl as they recall scenes from last year's hit movie Chocolat. This chocolate is other-worldly. Figs and dates stuffed with marzipan infused with orange zest; dark and white chocolate hearts with macadamia butter or pistachio butter; raspberry truffles ... a whole page of words might come close to describing the passion owner Scott J. Van Rixel has for chocolate. Former restaurateur of the brilliant but defunct Taylor's restaurant at Quail Ridge Inn, Rixel has created a sense-ation that worries some and tickles others. It's really fabulous.



Desgin Concept




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