百家乐包杀 (中国)有限公司官网

Engecom is a civil engineering company specialized in residencial buildings construction.After 25 years in the business they hired us to be a part of a new era for the company. This new brand transmits all particular concepts of the company.The dynamic way the company works is explicit on how the type was built, which is always in movement, seeking to be always up to date with the new construction techniques. Truth is that the logotype is a reflection of the symbol, which is the base for each type. For this project’s completion, we received consultancy from the designer, and also teacher at the Design School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Goias, Paulo Granato.



Desgin Concept

The initial “E”, we have the square as a representation of the company’s solidity, and also the wrench, which is a representation of the work tools in civil engineering.



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